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248404575 Seitenabrufe seit dem 30.06.2003


HauptseiteRollenspieleProduktlinien (Rollenspiele)Fast Forward ( D20 )

Fast Forward ( D20 )

Fast Forward ( D20 )

Alles von Fast Forward Ent. für D20.


Produkte vom Herausgeber (Fast Forward Entertainment)


FAF 2004

The Encyclopedia of Demons & Devils (Hardcover)

This book contains an amazing collection of evil creatures from myth and legend around the world! Each could easily inspire a multitude of adventures.

38,00 EUR


FAF 2009

Wondrous Items of Power (HC)

Wondrous Items of Power is a d20 System product detailing a variety of items with startling magical powers. Marvelous stories and background information make each of these wondrous items far more than simple treasure, but the basis for entire adventures or campaigns, aided by stats for the people, places, and monsters that own or protect them.

40,00 EUR


FAF 2017

Occult Items of Power

An Arcane Collection of Occult Artifacts and Evil Relics!

26,00 EUR


FAF 2019

Encyclopedia of Exotic Weapons

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Fantastic, a. 1. unreal. 2. grotesque. 3. extravagant. This encyclopedia of weapons is fantastic in the true sense of the word. The most unusual weapons ever imagined are contained within the pages of this tome. From gunpowder weaponry (with additional rules for their use) to amazing weapons only found in fantasy settings, this book is a useful tool for game masters and players alike. Each listing features the weapon with description, game stats for both a basic and magical version of the weapon... (vollständige Beschreibung)

ca. 0,00 EUR


FAF 2020

Encyclodedia of Weaponry

More than 100 amazing weapons drawn from real history!

20,00 EUR


FAF 2023

Treasure Quests: Tombs of Ra

This d20 System campaign accessory details the Valley of the Kings, and ancient burial ground for kings, prophets and wise men from all races and cultures. Contained within this book are details on more than thirty different tombs, including the creatures and traps guarding them, as well as rules on how to design the rest of the scores of tombs that populate the valley. Suitable for use as either a linked campaign or individual adventures in any fantasy setting.

20,00 EUR


FAF 2025

Encyclopaedia of Angels

The Battle of Everafter...
The war between the light and the dark has been waging for millenia, drawing mortals and other creatures from throughout the planes into its armies and leaving nothing but bloody fields in its wake. More than 80 major angelic beings and lesser celestial races are detailed within the pages of this d20 System sourcebook. Further, 8 new prestige classes, representing the most devout followers of the greatest angels, are included, giving you the chance to create powerful ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


FAF 2026

Deadliest Creatures Tome

Not Necessarily the Biggest...

Creatures, both good and bad, come in all sizes and shapes. But oftentimes it isn't the largest and most powerful creature out there that's the most dangerous. You can see the tower golem from literally miles away, but it's the clouds of insects that swarm you in the middle of the swamp or the flock of rodents scurrying through the ruins that could mean death to your characters.

...But Definitely the Baddest!
Deadly is the only way to describe what you'll fi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

26,00 EUR


FAF 2027

Devilish Devices

The volume details magic items of all types filled with thedevil. DMs will want this volume to perk up any fantasy
campaign. Over 100 items are detailed with complete
instructions on how the items were used in the past. Each
item easily turns into a campaign all by itself as your
player characters fight the evil it brings into their lives.
Devilish prestige classes are also included in this volume.

20,00 EUR


FAF 2031

Encyclopaedia of Prestige Classes

This is a d20 System sourcebook that brings together more than 50 different prestige classes into a single source, right alongside the skills and feats that make them what they are. Ranging from artillery masters to gamblers to trophy hunters, the classes presented in this book provide a wide selection for DMs and Players alike looking to specialize a favored character or important enemy.

20,00 EUR


FAF 2502

The Complete Monstrous Fighter's Compendium

This book is a d20 System sourcebook that finally provides all of the rules necessary to create and play a monstrous Player Character. But it is far more! Though set in the Green Races campaign world of Elara, Players and GMs alike can use this book in any fantasy campaign where creatures like goblins, orcs, and trolls wander the lands. Included also are rules for running these types of creatures as PCs and NPCs, as well as both base classes and prestige classes unique to these martially-minded ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


FAF 2503

Monstrous Wizards Compendium

There's much, much more to the monstrous races than just hacking and slashing. They're more like you than most are willing to admit. Now it's your chance to walk a mile in their shoes. We've given you the rules to do the same thing with the Green Races's six more monstrous races - the centaur, janni, minotaur, rakshasa, satyr and troglodyte - each uniquely different from the more common Green Races. The Complete Monstrous Wizards Compendium is a d20 System sourcebook designed for ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


FAF 2505

Monstrous Undead Compendium

Sammlerstück / Rarität


The Complete Monstrous Undead Compendium is the definative rules supplement for playing an undead monster player character. Where else can you find rules to play a gnoll zombie, an ogre vampire, or a goblin mummy? New undead prestige classes, feats, and spells specifically geared for the undead round out this exciting tome.

98,00 EUR



FAF 2014

Secrets of the Enemy Capital

A World Of Adventure Somewhere Between Life And Death!

Learn the secrets!

Beneath, between and behind the Nex lies Kerse, the so-called Enemy Capital, where dozens of races are locked in an immortal conflict for control of the city. Kerse is a melting pot of sorts, where almost anything can be bought or found. But will the price be too high?

See the sights and live the life... of the dead!

Locked in an underground realm of perpetual darkness, where even the mightiest deites cannot, o... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


FAF 2018

Enchanted Location: Crypts & Tombs

More maps, more challenges! This d20 mapped sourcebook contains countless adventure ideas surrounding locations of the dead -- and the dead themselves!

Tried of another evening of the same-old, same-old? Are you players? Enchanted Locations gives you something different - quests! What better way to energize your games?

No matter what kind of gaming group you've got, there's something within these pages for you. Need some more powerful artifacts to put into your players' hands ... Or their ... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


FAF 2022

Dungeon World: Catacombs

Is it possible to be more lost?

This new hardcover rules supplement for d20 players provides even more levels in the seemingly endless darkness that is Dungeon World. There is a purpose behind the catacombs, a vile and evil purpose that tries to use you and your party as pawns in its pointless game. Ever deeper and more dangerous the levels become. In the back of your mind you keep repeating that it's always darkest just before the dawn, only dawn never comes to Dungeon World. There is war wi... (vollständige Beschreibung)

28,00 EUR


FAF 2024

Encyclodedia of Villains

The Encyclopedia of Villains is a d20 System sourcebook that provides gamemasters a host of villains, ready to use and easily dropped in to almost any fantasy setting. Heroes come in all sizes, shapes and, most importantly, all levels of experience. What could kill a group of second-level PCs wouldn’t even last ten seconds against a group of 12th level adventurers. Included in this book are 35 different villains of varying levels of challenge, giving you a wide range of bad guys to throw at yo... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR


FAFX 2011

Enchanted Locations


  A d20 product with a whole new theme ... maps, maps, and more maps! Magical castles, enchanted pools, and arcane mountains are completely mapped out in this product. Enchanted locations and wondrous maps for any fantasy campaign.

10,00 EUR


FAFX 2500

Green Races (Hardcover)


  Green Races is a d20 System campaign setting where monstrous races vie for power and control of its many dungeons, ruins, caverns, and lairs. Fiften unique Green Races factions - goblins, ogres, gnolls, trolls, and more - are fully described with background, exciting new prestige classes, armies, and a dungeon or lair to protect. Monstrous characters move up through the ranks to rule entire races!

10,00 EUR


FFE 2702

Demon Wars: Enchanted Locations

Bitte vorbestellen


The DemonWars have waged across the face of Corona, but the action has been concentrated to just a few focal points. Within the pages of this book you will find detailed maps and descriptions of the St. Mere-Abelle monastery, Andur-Blough Inninness, the Barbacan, Tymwyvenne, the Path of Starless Night, and the Walk of Clouds, including information on their residents and the creatures unique to these locales.

ca. 30,00 EUR



FAF 2010

Dungeon World (Hardcover)

Das Mega-Abenteuer für gestorbene (!) Charaktere - in einer vollkommen neuartigen Kampagnenwelt scheint euch ein Leben nach dem Tode zu erwarten. Diese Quellenbuch breitet auf 192 Seiten ein episches Erlebnis voller Gefahren, Geheimnisse und mysteriöser Wendungen aus, das die Chance zum Kult hat!

26,00 EUR


FAF 2012

Devilish Dens

10 teuflisch gefährliche Teufelsstätten warten hier auf unaufmerksame Abenteurer, um sie ins Verderben zu locken. Diese Abenteuer sind extra gefährlich, nur des Spaßes halber!

12,00 EUR


FAF 2015


Ein gutes Abenteuer für Einsteiger, auch als Einstieg in die Green Races Kampagne von Fast Forward Ent. gedacht.

16,00 EUR


FAFX 2001

Fortress of the Ogre Chieftain


  Die großen Ogerfestungen liegen weit sĂŒdlich von den menschlichen LĂ€ndern... die Menschen wollten sich durch gewaltige eigene Festungen vor den Ogerhorden schĂŒtzen, doch ihre Festungen wurden untergraben und alle starben... und nun bewachen Ogerkrieger und menschliche Geister in einer dieser Festungen den magischsten aller SchĂ€tze!

5,00 EUR


FAFX 2007

Demonic Lairs


  Abenteuer zu 10 mĂ€chtigen DĂ€monen und ihren Festungen. In diesen chaotischen Regionen werden Abenteurer mit all' ihren KrĂ€ften gefordert sein, um den dĂ€monischen MĂ€chten nicht zu unterliegen!

5,00 EUR


FAFX 2008

Treasure Quests (Hardcover)


  157 Mini-Abenteuer können mit diesem wundervollen Hardcover mit Ringbindung zu einem epischen Abenteuer verbunden werden, dass seinesgleichen sucht! Von den niedrigsten Stufen zu den höchsten Weihen werden die Charaktere mit Herausforderungen konfrontiert, die nur noch von den potentiellen Belohnungen ĂŒbertrumpft werden... geht ihr das Wagnis ein?

10,00 EUR



FAF 2300

Character Record Sheets

8,00 EUR


The Sundered Reaches

FAF 2600

Sundered Reaches Setting Book

Sundered Reaches breaks new ground in high-level fantasy gaming. This unique d20 campaign setting presents the perfect challenge for players who have been there and done that. Characters can be drawn to the Red Planet from any other d20 campaign or created anew. Sometimes newly arrived characters walk unchanged onto the Red Planet, but just as often they are reshaped into entirely new life forms. Every Martian mile presents its own new and deadly encounters! The creatures that walk the Red Plane... (vollständige Beschreibung)

20,00 EUR



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Anmeldung für unseren Newsletter

Abmeldung für unseren Newsletter

Verwandte Spiele
• a/State
• Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
• Alderac Entertainment ( D20 )
• Arcana Evolved ( D20 )
• Armaggedon 2089 ( D20 Modern )
• Avalanche Press ( D20 )
• Bastion Press ( D20 )
• BESM D20
• Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of
• Counter Collections
• Crime Scene ( D20 Modern )
• D20
• D20 Modern
• Dark Legacies ( D20 )
• Dawnforge ( D20 )
• Dawning Star
• Die Hohen
• Dragonlance ( Dungeons & Dragons )
• DragonMech
• Dragonstar ( D20 Modern )
• Dundjinni - Computer Mapping Programm
• Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition
• Dungeons & Dragons 3te Edition (Deutsch)
• Dungeons & Dragons Classic (deutsch)
• Dungeons & Dragons: Game Master's Workshop
• Dungeons & Dragons: Icons of the Realms Miniatures
• Dungeons & Dragons: Kingdoms of Kalamar
• Earthdawn 4. Edition (und vorhergehende/deutsch)
• Earthdawn 4th Edition (english)
• Endland
• Everquest RPG (D20)
• Fading Suns (D20)
• Fantasy Encounters
• Farscape RPG (D20)
• Fates Worse Than Death
• Fighting Fantasy Books ( D20 )
• Fireborn
• Green Ronin ( D20 )
• In the Pit
• Legend & Lairs ( D20 )
• Legend of the Five Rings (D20)
• Legends of Excalibur
• Lone Wolf Adventure Game
• Lone Wolf RPG ( D20 )
• Magnificent Egos Miniatures
• Mephisto Magazin
• Midnight Campaign Setting ( D20 )
• Mongoose Publishing ( D20 )
• Monkey God Enterprises ( D20 )
• Monte Cook's: Ptolus Campaign 3E/5E
• Munchkin ( D20 )
• Mutants and Masterminds 3rd Edition
• Mystic Eye Games ( D20 )
• Northern Crown - New World Adventures
• Penumbra ( D20 )
• Ravenloft ( D20 )
• Red Star Campaign Setting ( D20 )
• Scarred Lands ( D20 )
• SHADOWRUN (engl.)
• Shadowrun 6. Edition (deutsch)
• Shadowrun Duels
• Shadowrun Romane
• Slaine RPG (D20)
• Sovereign Stone (D20)
• Spycraft (D20)
• Star Wars Miniatures
• Star Wars Saga Edition
• Swashbuckling Adventures (D20)
• Sword & Sorcery Studios ( D20 )
• Trinity Universe ( D20 )
• Universalis RPG
• Violet Dawn Campaign Setting ( D20 )
• Warlords of the Accordlands RPG ( D20 )
• William Gibson Romane
• XCrawl / Maximum XCrawl